
七月香港專題 Hong Kong

香港專題 Hong Kong (持續更新)

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正值「香港回歸二十五週年」之際,香港商會指,「現今資本主義、私有產權制度、自由市場經濟基本上沒怎改變,1997 年後落實得頗好」,這可謂一語道破了「一國兩制」的精粹與中國的意識形態矛盾,並為香港解殖此一歷史難題打下了死結。香港被殖民的一百五十二年歷史,並非單純是西方現代化的產物,又或是民族主義下的主權論述;世界上鮮有一個地方如這座小島般,自從被捲進世界資本主義市場後,成為了各種帝國與民族主義的競合場。璀燦繁榮的城市夜景裹藏著的,是一個被共謀勢力致力隱去的問題——為何香港的殖民地地位從沒有在一個自稱解放受壓迫階級與民族的革命中被終止,而成為英國謀求延命、中國謀求崛起、美國謀求霸權的據點。於是,維持現狀(status quo)成為了一種統合社會的共識,這種共識糢糊了壓迫與特權的界線——「五十年不變」展現的願望,到底是一種美好的八十年代中產夢,還是一種為延續剝削性的金融制度的虛假意識?










Hong Kong was inseparable from the capitalist colonial system from the very beginning. The story of the Asian Orphan(亞細亞的孤兒) City can be roughly divided into three stages: the early entrepot period, the industrialization period, the financial centre period.  

Entrepot Period

Hong Kong is a colonial commercial city of the sun never sets an empire during this period. Similar to other colonial commercial cities of the empire, it served the interests of the colonial sovereign economically and politically. The colonists worked closely with local comprador merchants to form a ruling alliance. Social conflicts were fierce in pre-war Hong Kong. The Chinese workers from the mainland and the colonial government broke out fierce confrontation in the provincial and Hong Kong strikes. During the confrontation, the Hong Kong comprador bourgeoisie stood on the side of the colonial government and formed a staunch coalition to fight against the strike. Since then, the comprador merchants intersected with the colonial system, they have become the core part of the “Collaborative Colonial Power Structure” suggested by Law Wing Sang. This also paved the way for the cowardice and conservativeness of the local bourgeoisie today. They dare not put forward their own political agenda and developed an “opportunism” mentality in the name of " pragmatism".

Industrialisation Period 

During this period, Hong Kong has achieved capital accumulation and industrialization with the influx of capital and labour. As a result, Hong Kong successfully ranked among the four dragons in Asia. The international capital in Hong Kong came from two different political forces at that time. One was capital from the United Kingdom and the United States. Hong Kong also shared the dividends of the post-war world capitalism boom. Industrial upgrading in Europe and the United States led to the transfer of the eliminated labour-intensive industries to the Four Little Dragons, including Hong Kong. Also, due to the civil war and the fear of the CCP, the capitals of Jiangsu and Zhejiang chose Hong Kong as a safe haven. The civil war also brought not only capital but also refugee labour. As the front line of the Cold War between the East and the West, Hong Kong succeeded in taking advantage of the special historical opportunity and completed industrialization and modernization. After the reform and opening-up policy of China, capital quickly moved to China because of the huge market and cheaper labour. Hong Kong lost its industrial capital and became financial capital, leaving a volt line for the bubble economy that followed.

Financial Centre Period

Entering the 1980s, Hong Kong has transitioned from the economic structure of the secondary industry to the tertiary industry, and real estate has become Hong Kong’s most important source of GDP. Capitalism has entered a long wave of recession, neoliberal reforms have begun, and the mainland has encountered reforms and opening up, and Hong Kong has also reformed along with Western countries. In this process, the British colonists worked closely with local assets. At the same time, the Chinese bureaucratic bourgeoisie entered the Hong Kong market to take a share of the "Collaborative Colonial Power Structure" and local industries were transferred to China. In the era of neoliberalism reform, the industrial capital shifted to financial capital, and Hong Kong’s bourgeoisie also used this to expand aggressively and absorb local and mainland industrial wealth. Hong Kong economic structure, and capital, is a façade of the financial centre but actually does not involve the process of production. The industry has hollowed out, paving the way for homogeneity industrial structure later: finance, real estate, medical care, and industries other than lawyers are all regarded as inferior industries.With the collapse of capitalism, Hong Kong seems to inevitably enter the historical process of decline.

Elegy of the times or Zeitgeist qasida? Either accept the arrangement of the powerful under the turning of the great wheel of the times ,or start seeking a way out? It all depends on what are we doing now.

But in any case, to know "where is Hong Kong heading", one must first answer "what is Hong Kong".

The "Hong Kong" column is precisely for this purpose —— "know thyself" (nosce te ipsum).

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