
國際婦女節——女性革命家介紹 International Women's Day special collection on the female revolutionaries

International Women's Day special collection on the female revolutionaries
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國際婦女節源起於 1857 年美國紐約一場女工罷工,儘管是次抗議遭到當局鎮壓,但其後數年間,每逢 3 月 8 日都有相應活動,在 1908 年更有近一萬五千名婦女走上紐約街頭,呼喊象徵保障經濟與生活質素的口號「麵包與玫瑰」。1910年, 德國社會民主黨領袖克拉拉·蔡特金於第二國際首屆國際婦女會議中倡議設定 3 月 8日 為國際婦女節,該決議獲得熱烈支持。 1917 年 3 月 8 日,俄羅斯聖彼德堡女工為抗議所謂愛國戰爭帶來的通貨膨脹與飢荒,參與罷工並走出工廠示威,點燃了俄國革命的前哨戰。

在二十一世紀的今天,國際婦女節所歌頌的勞動婦女仍沒有得到新自由主義所應許的「性別平等」,只有少數能突破天花板的精英女性配戴「進步」的光環,代表在父權與資本主義雙重壓迫下大多數女性「發聲」。現代的女性主義運動應為一場為 99% 民眾的社會運動,聯合各個受壓迫群體,重拾二十世紀初女性工人的革命傳統——「麵包與玫瑰」的呼喊,於當下仍然鏗鏘響亮。我們謹向世上 99% 民眾中的女性致敬。

International Women's Day originated from a female workers' strike in New York, USA in 1857. Although the protest was suppressed by the authorities, in the following years, there were corresponding activities every March 8, and in 1908, there were nearly 15,000 people. A woman took to the streets of New York, chanting the slogan "Bread and Roses", a symbol of economic security and quality of life. In 1910, Clara Zetkin, leader of the German Social Democratic Party, proposed to set March 8 as International Women's Day at the first International Women's Conference of the Second International, and the resolution received enthusiastic support. On March 8, 1917, female workers in St. Petersburg, Russia participated in strikes and walked out of the factory to protest against inflation and famine brought about by the so-called Patriotic War, igniting the outpost of the Russian Revolution.

Today in the 21st century, the working women appraised by International Women's Day still have not achieved the "gender equality" promised by neoliberalism, and only a few elite women who can break through the ceiling wear the halo of "progress". Only a few "progressive female" represents "the oppressed" and "voices" for them under the dual oppression of the patriarchy and capitalism, . The modern feminist movement should be a social movement for the 99% of the people, uniting various oppressed groups and reviving the revolutionary tradition of female workers in the early 20th century - the cry of "bread and roses" is still resounding today. We would like to pay tribute to women who make up 99% of the world's population.

    德國社會民主黨的主要革命家,以及斯巴達克斯同盟(The Spartacus League)的創始人。
    Leading revolutionary of the German Social Democratic Party and founder of The Spartacus League.

    國際婦女節的創立者,上個世紀之交最大的社會主義團體——德國社會民主黨(German SPD)的領導人和思想家,也是其組織者和編輯。
    The founder of International Women's Day, the leading thinker of the largest socialist group at the turn of the last century, the German Social Democratic Party (German SPD), is also its organizer and editor.

    Alexandra Kollontai is the pioneer of women in politics. She was one of Russia's first female elected representatives and the first Russian female minister and cabinet member.

    She established the "Taiwan People's Association" and actively engaged in various social movements. After the February 28 Incident in 1947, Xie Xuehong was elected as the chairman of the "Taichung Citizens' Assembly" and gave a speech criticizing the tyranny of Chen Yi's government and demanding the implementation of Taiwanese people's democratic autonomy.

    A rebellious female free-thinker, "we want job. If they don't give you job, go and ask for food; if they don't even give you food, grab it!"

    "Ah! I didn't know what it means to be human until today. We have to be aiming at a TRUE human being!"



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