
左派反對派的女傑——陳碧蘭 The female Chinese leftist opposition revolutionary - Chen Bilan

 陳碧蘭(1902-1987) Chen Bilan

(陳碧蘭的回憶錄 "My Memories")








Born in Huangpi County, Hubei Province, Chen Bilan is a famous leader of the women's movement in the early days of the Communist Party of China, and the wife of Peng Shuzhi, a Trotskyist in China. After the failure of the Great Revolution(1925 - 1927), he supported Chen Duxiu and opposed Stalin's Comintern and the mainstream views in the party. In 1950, Peng Shuzhi's family went to Vietnam via Hong Kong, and soon immigrated to Europe and the United States.

From 1929, she joined the Trotskyist movement in China as one of the first, continued revolutionary work, and carried out underground activities in the White Terror of Chiang Kai-shek's Kuomintang. After Peng Shuzhi and others were arrested and sentenced by the Kuomintang regime, she took up the responsibility of raising children under heavy oppression, and maintained the family life by writing and serving. "Women's Issues Essays" is a collection of articles she published under the name of Chen Biyun in newspapers and magazines. Jin Zhonghua should have written the "Preface" and praised the author as "a woman who is truly engaged in the women's movement and understands women's issues."

The outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War prompted the Nanjing authorities to release Peng Shuzhi and other Trotskyists ahead of schedule. Chen Bilan and Peng Shuzhi (Chinese Trotskyite leaders) stayed in Shanghai to lead the underground revolutionary work during the Anti-Japanese War. Their comrades were detained by the Japanese occupation authorities for leading the workers' strike, and they were the targets of manhunts (Peng Shuzhi escaped arrest in a close call).

After Japan surrendered, Chen Bilan and his colleagues published bimonthly magazines in Shanghai: she was in charge of editing "Youth and Women" (later renamed "New Voice"); Peng Shuzhi was the editor of "Journal of Truth", through which they spread political influence and developed organizations. strength. At the end of 1948, Chen Bilan and others had to move overseas due to the CCP's slander and extreme hostility towards the Trotskyites. Years later, the CCP detained all Trotskyists in the country, many of whom had been imprisoned for more than a quarter of a century. After Chen Bilan, Peng Shuzhi and Liu Jialiang moved to Vietnam, Liu Jialiang was harmed by the Viet Cong, and they were afraid of being poisoned by the Viet Cong, so they went to Europe. In Vietnam and for a period of time in Europe, they lived a very hard life, even doing manual labor and earning low wages to supplement their livelihoods. They went into exile abroad and were more closely involved in the work of the Fourth International movement, and they followed the development of the situation in various countries (especially China), and often wrote articles to make comments and propositions. During her early years in France, Chen Bilan began to write "My Memories", which chronicled her experience, understanding and commentary on her decades of participation in the struggle (especially the 1925-27 revolution).



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