
國際婦女節專題 International Women's Day


三月在歷史上是一個風波不斷、激流勇進的月份:在歐洲有1848年的德國革命就1871年的巴黎公社起義;在中國有黃花崗起義,在韓國有三一起義。最值得談的,還有現在被定為國際婦女節(International Women's Day)的三月八日的起源——1908年美國婦女為了爭取選舉權的一次集會。「玫瑰與麵包」的口號在這一時期被提出,成為了第一波女性主義的主要口號。1917年,這一女性主義潮流與俄國革命潮流迎合,在俄國二月革命中,女性就是第一批走上街頭,抗議沙皇暴政的。




As society celebrates women's liberation from feudal oppression and their independent rights, various forms of violence and exploitation against women thrive in the shadows of life. While the world applauds women's autonomy, self-love, and freedom, the harsh reality is that women comprise the majority of unpaid and underpaid labor and the majority of the poor. Women's suffering doesn't require mass media coverage of the Third World because as long as the burden of providing for the family remains, love and sexual relationships remain solitary, and labor remains a form of servitude that cannot be used to build an independent persona and change the status quo. Women continue to be oppressed, with their bodies molded into their capital and commodity, and extreme alienation often brings us to the “narrow gate” to self-redemption. After our exploration of revolutionary Messianism a few months ago, we commemorate this turning point in history on Women's Day by reflecting on how to end the oppression of women.

March has been a month of storms and surges in history:  the German Revolution of 1848, the Paris Commune Uprising of 1871, the Huanghuagang Uprising in China, and the March 1st Movement in Korea. Most notably, the origin of March 8, now designated as International Women's Day: a rally of American women in 1908 to fight for the right to vote. In 1917, this feminist movement coincided with the Russian Revolution, in which women were among the first to take to the streets in protest against the tyranny of the Tsar.

In a world where patriarchy and capitalism are intertwined, the feminist perspective provides valuable insight, serving as a critique of contemporary society from a different angle. As noted by the Marxist literary critic, Terry Eagleton,.”revolutionary literary criticism would dismantle the ruling concepts of ‘literature’, reinserting ‘literary texts’ into the whole field of cultural practices. It would strive to relate such ‘cultural’ practices to other forms of social activity, and to transform the cultural apparatuses themselves. If one wanted a paradigm for such criticism, already established within the present, there is a name for it: feminist criticism".

Contemporary society blurs gender images beyond those of hegemonic masculinity, and "democratic societies" provide an arena for marginalized groups to fight for their rights. However, as Soviet revolutionary Kollontai pointed out, capitalist society can only ensure formal equality, nothing more, while gender issues are much more deeply rooted and complex. Feminist criticism begins at the margins of society and launches a sharp critique of ideology, not just of hegemonic masculinity but also of human nature framed by so-called universal values and rights and a privileged class that governs in the name of these values.

In this series of articles, we aim to wage a cultural war against dominant ideologies through various feminist critical perspectives, starting with Marxist feminism and exploring other tributaries of thought, such as black feminism, feminist theology, and Confucian feminism. Our goal is to demonstrate the possibility of a truly egalitarian society, one where we know ourselves and create a better world.



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