
新左讀書會:在靈光消逝的年代讀本雅明系列——《機械複製時代的藝術》New Left Book Club: Reading the Benjamin Series in an Age of Fading Aura - The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction




Witnessing the slow start of Germany in the midst of the explosive growth of European capitalism defined Benjamin's gesture of seeking a cultural outlet in modernity - a collector drawn to the magnificent fragments of feudal civilisation, an urban wanderer dedicated to demystifying the iconography of commodities, a revolutionary follower anticipating the emergence of a new art on the horizon of radical politics.Benjamin's multi-faceted, 'contradictory and fluid' life and works offer us the possibility of revelation and redemption in a 'one-dimensional' cultural wasteland. While postmodernity was prevalent in the age of failed revolutions and depression, in recent years the backlog of social crises and rebellions around the world has renewed the imagination of human solidarity and emancipation. Benjamin's methodology of ' constellation and stars' suggests a practical alternative to collectivism in the relationship between collective action and individual will. To further explore Benjamin's thought, the New Left Society is organising a series of readings of Benjamin's books, the first of which is Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, one of the few texts published during Benjamin's lifetime, which explores the relationship between politics, aesthetics and art at the beginning of the twentieth century and brings out the hope that human beings can break free from the roots of ritual and worship in art and use technology to reshape the value of art in the political practice of fighting for their own liberation. 

Frequency: 4 sessions, biweekly
Period: Late November to late January, time to be negotiated
Mode: face to face
Venue: To be confirmed



中大新左學社簡介 Introducing New Left Society, CUHK






政治經濟學的角度:從長波理論看香港(中) ——戰後至七十年代末的香港經濟

從猶太人問題到加沙戰爭: 論勞工錫安主義和巴勒斯坦解放


茶垢裡的性別社會 ——香港殖民、父權與資本主義的合謀(上)