Interviewed by WF The Hong Kong Federation of Asian Domestic Workers Unions (FADWU) is a federation composed of local and migrant domestic workers (MDWs) unions in Hong Kong, with the membership of its numerous affiliate unions comprising of Hongkonger, Thai, Nepalese, Filipino, and Indonesian domestic workers. FADWU was founded in 2010, and is itself an affiliate of the International Domestic Workers Federation (IDWF). Recently, FADWU organised a press conference calling attention to the Hong Kong Immigration Department’s crackdown on “job hopping” practices among MDWs in Hong Kong. MDWs deemed to be engaged in “job hopping”, which can be loosely characterised as the practice of switching from one employer to another before the end of their two-year contract with their current employer, have had their visa applications rejected even in cases where the MDW has secured a new employer willing to sponsor their visa application. We interviewed Ratih, the chairperson of Union of United Dom...
中大新左學社創立旨在提供討論與學術平台予中大學生交流理論,反思自上世紀六十年代(Long Sixties)激進運動以來的國際新左思潮,以及其於世界各地與香港本地的實踐。作為理論社團,我們將定期出版文章與刊物,邀請各地學者分享交流,並舉行讀書會、研討小組及其他活動。 我們時代的新浪潮蓄勢待發,新左學社尋找自身的歷史使命。為此,我們必須冷靜認知歷史現實、追求「真實的烏托邦」,擺脫當下的既定現實框架,解放可能性,唯有如此,我們化作想象與已知希望 (begriffene Hoffnung)的存在。——這也代表,每一個新時代的左翼都不可能絕望。 New Left Society, CUHK aims to provide a platform for academic discussion for CUHK students to explore New Left theories. we publish essays and journals, invite scholars from all over the world to discuss and share thoughts.